Quierschieder Weg 38, 66280 Sulzbach anfrage@apm-telescopes.de

APM Professional Telescopes

APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

Astroshell Dome 4.25 m

Astroshell Dome 4.25m

CLAMSHELL DOMES provide an unparalleled 360/180 degree field of view for an absolutely breathtaking nighttime experience. When this observatory dome opens, you are truly among the stars!


Product enquiries

Inquiry now

Please make your enquiries about the products you require here. We will contact you as soon as possible with a customised quote.

FLI Filterwheels


The CenterLine's unique dual carousel design with central aperture has long been the filter wheel of choice to avoid telescope balance issues. Typically one position in each carousel is empty, providing 8 usable positions.





APM Telescopes
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach
Telefon: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-0
Fax: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-9
E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
WWW: www.apm-telescopes.net

WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 93688808

Inhaltlich verantwortlich

Markus Ludes
E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.


USt.-ID: DE 149 593 904
Finanzamt Saarbrücken


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APM Telescopes GmbH
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach


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APM Telescopes GmbH
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach


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APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

Our Team

  • Markus Ludes CEO

    Markus Ludes CEO

    Markus Ludes CEO has been managing APM Telescopes for more than 30 years.
  • Dr. (Ing.) Diethard Jakobs, Manager and Controller

    Dr. (Ing.) Diethard Jakobs, Manager and Controller

    Dr. (Ing.) Diethard Jakobs Managing Director and Controller at APM Telescopes. He is responsible for planning and execution of major projects.
  • Angelika Jakobs

    Angelika Katharina Jakobs International Relations
  • Daniela Lambert

    Daniela Lambert Assistant to the management
  • Michael Conrad

    Michael Conrad Distribution
  • Andreas  Pietsch

    Andreas Pietsch

    Product Manager Andreas Pietsch great passion is astronomy. At APM Telescopes, he mainly takes care of astrophotography. He has a lot of experience in this field. He also knows a lot about building and operating large telescopes.

    Creative Contact Form

    Contact Us
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions


    APM Telescopes
    Quierschieder Weg 38
    66280 Sulzbach

    Telefon: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-0
    Fax:       +49 (0)6897 - 924929-9
    E-Mail: info@apm-telescopes.de
    WWW: https://www.apm-professional-telescopes.com